
The Blog
For a few years I wrote a blog on drinking called Good Drinks Etc. It coincided with a period when I was making a lot of cocktails. I no longer update it with any regularity but the recipe index still comes in handy when I need to remind myself how much cream goes into a Ramos Gin Fizz (two tablespoons). I also came up with a few recipes of my own.

Adventures with Whisky
Back in 2010, when I started getting interested in whisky, I met a remarkable Australian called Jason B Standing. Together we rued the lack of affordable and friendly tastings in London and founded Whisky Squad - the friendliest and least expensive whisky club in the world (probably). After a couple of years I stepped aside from organising tastings but Jason kept the spirit alive - the group still holds a couple of tastings a month in various London pubs and they're more popular than ever.

For the Love of Hops
Lately my focus has shifted to beer, and from time to time, when I remember, I log my tastings on Untappd.